FALL 2024
Never Stop Learning
Want to delve deeper? Explore these resources to expand your knowledge and skills.
We’ve curated a selection of informative articles, research, protocols and policies to help you continue your learning journey.
Standards and Policies
Ministry Website
Ministry Policy
Fuel Management Standards
Standard Operating Procedures for Fuel Spill
Pesticide Recordkeeping
Guelph University – Distance Learning
Irrigation Industry Association of BC
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Laval University – French Site
McGill University
Penn State World Campus – Turfgrass Correspondence Course
Selkirk College
University of Alberta
University of BC
Seed your Success
Industry Connections
Membership Roster
The 2025 Membership Roster Publication date: May, 2025.
The annual Membership Roster is our main publication and features valuable contact information for all Superintendents and Industry Representatives within the BCGSA.
The Dogwood Magazine
The DogWood magazine has approximately 52 pages and is published in the spring, summer, and fall. The magazine is distributed to over 450 British Columbia golf courses and allied associations.
Magazines will be distributed to all BCGSA members, new golf courses and select representatives in the Canadian Superintendents Association, U.S. Golf Association, Western Canada Turfgrass Association, BC Golf Association National Golf Course Owners Association and other provincial associations.
Past Issues of The Dogwood
Funding the Future
Brian Finnigan Memorial Fund Bursary
The British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association administers the “Brian Finnigan Memorial Bursary Fund”. Brian Finnigan was a Golf Superintendent at the Furry Creek Golf Club who passed away in the spring of 2000 at the early age of 41. Donations were sent to the Finnigan family and the Furry Creek Golf Club. The family felt the best use of these funds would be to start a memorial fund in Brian’s name to assist people in the golf maintenance industry in British Columbia to further their education.
Application Prerequisites:
• Applicant’s Superintendent must be a member in good standing in the BCGSA
• Applicant must be a member of the BCGSA
• Applicant must be residing in British Columbia
• Applicant must have a minimum of two seasons of employment on a golf course
• Applicant must have proof of enrollment in a qualified turfgrass institution
• Applicant must have a report from your current Superintendent
• Please Submit a Photo with Application for Publication Purposes
This scholarship is open to all BCGSA members, including anyone who is taking continuing education courses that enhance your position in the golf course industry.
Application deadline date is October 15th.
Vern Burnell Interior Chapter Scholarship
The Interior Chapter of the British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association funds a scholarship program that is open to horticulture, mechanic and turfgrass students alike. The amount of the scholarship ranges from $250 to $1,000 per year.
Application Prerequisites:
• The applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student
• The applicant must be employed at a golf course based in the Interior (Okanagan Valley) when not attending school
Jeff Bennett
Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Email: jcbenny@shaw.ca
Kootenay Chapter Scholarship
As associates of the B.C.G.S.A. (Kootenay Chapter) we realize the importance of education. Through our own experiences we have learnt that determination, combined with a quality education will allow you the opportunity to attain your goal of becoming a respected member of the work force.
Our association has identified a financial need in regards to education and is committed to helping our members, their employees, and our member’s immediate families. The costs associated with obtaining a degree or diploma in today’s educational institutions have become substantial. Due to the rising economic responsibility the B.C.G.S.A. Kootenay Chapter have tabled and passed a motion to set up two educational scholarships. These scholarships are available to any eligible recipient allowing them the capability to pursue their careers and ultimate goals.
We are offering an annual scholarship of $1,000 or two $500 awards. (To be determined once all applications are reviewed.) The funds will be awarded to the person, or persons, that shows a financial need, dedication, and the drive required to become successful in their chosen field. The scholarships are open to any vocation enabling all eligible recipients the opportunity to benefit from the funds.
Mike Knowles
Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Email: mknowles@copperpointgolf.com
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