Become a Member

The Association offers a valuable network of qualified individuals with a shared interest. Membership is granted by the Board of Directors to applicants who meet established qualifications.

Applying for Membership

To become a member, please submit the following:

Completed Application: An application shall contain, among other things, a concise statement of the applicant’s training, qualifications, and experience. The applicant must sign the application. The Board of Directors may waive the required endorsements upon proof by the applicant’s geographic isolation from members of the Association.

Application Fee: The completed application must be accompanied by remittance of one year’s dues. The annual dues for all membership classes are a fixed sum that is approved by a majority vote at any annual meeting of the Association. The membership is a calendar year starting Jan. 1.

Membership Dues:

Superintendent Rate: $230 + GST
Assistant & Other Staff Rate: $150 + GST
Industry Individual Rate: $230 + GST
Industry Group Rate: $850 + GST
Student Rate: FREE

Application Review

The Board of Directors shall be the sole judge of the applicant’s qualifications for membership. In certain cases, geographical isolation from existing members may allow for a waiver of endorsement requirements.

Code of Ethics

Professionals in any field of activity behave in a manner that brings honour to their profession and to their association. Their behaviour is also a reflection of their own character.

BCGSA’s professional members must represent themselves to the golf industry and the public at large as people who engage in practices which respect the environment and whose business relationships are conducted in an honest and transparent way.

A true professional:

• Is a person with integrity.

• Acts responsibly within their area of professional competency.

• Does not become involved in matters which are or could be perceived as a conflict of interest or for own personal gain.

• Ensures that written and oral contracts are clear, mutually understood and honoured.

• Always respects the rights of others.

• Keeps any privileged information received, confidential in any manner.

• Does not misuse information or ideas obtained from other sources.

• Uses his/her influence to ensure that all resources are used responsibly in all activities.

• Maintains a commitment to educating and sharing their skills and expertise to further enhance their own profession.

• Is respectful of fellow professionals, working to combine their knowledge and skills to benefit the profession as a whole.

Whereas this Code of Ethics and Conduct is established to act as a guide to appropriate conduct for the members of the Association, promoting a high level of professional standards of service and conduct amongst those members. The one uniform code of ethics and conduct are closely adhered to and enforced to help develop individual responsibility, character and professionalism within the Association. Failure of a member to comply with the rules set out in this code of ethics and conduct may result in disciplinary action, including imposition of fines, suspension of privileges and termination of membership in accordance with the by-laws of the Association. Therefore, the Association enacts, and each member subscribes to and agrees to abide by the following code of ethics and conduct:

1. Members shall maintain courteous relations with the Association and with their fellow members.

2. Members shall recognize and discharge all their responsibilities and duties to the best of their ability and knowledge, and shall apply sound principles of business management and turf management in all their professional endeavours.

3. Members shall endeavour to expand their professional knowledge at every practical opportunity, in order to improve themselves and their profession.

4. Members shall maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in order to reflect credit upon and add to the stature of the Association and the profession of golf course management.

5. No member shall initiate or engage in correspondence or discussion with a Director, member or official of another club or provide professional or consulting services to another club without first notifying the golf course superintendent associated with that club.

6. No member shall seek to obtain employment or career advancement by applying for or otherwise seeking to secure a position already filled by a member of the Association.

7. Members who become aware that an employment vacancy for a golf course superintendent exists shall make every effort to encourage the potential employer to retain a golf course superintendent who is a member in good standing of the Association.

8. Members shall not offer any endorsement on behalf of the Association, exploit their affiliation with the Association in connection with any endorsement or otherwise discredit the name, goodwill or reputation of the Association in connection with any endorsement without the written approval of the Association.

9. Members shall support and actively participate in the efforts of the Association to improve public understanding and recognition of the profession of golf course management.

10. Members who become aware of any willful violation of this code of ethics and conduct shall promptly report such violation in writing to the Association at its head office or to any one or more of the Directors of the Association.

Code of Ethics of Canadian Golf Superintendents Association – Adopted by British Columbia Superintendents Association

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